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The 20 Principles of Karate

Here are 20 views that Gichin Funakoshi had towards Karate:

1) Never forget that Karate begins and ends with respect.
2) There is know 1st attack in Karate
3)Karate fosters righteousness
4) First know yourself, and then know others.
5)Rather than physical technique, mental technique.
6) Let your mind roam freely.
7) Inattention and neglect causes misfortune.
8) Never think that Karate is only practised in the dojo.
9) Karate is a lifelong pursuit.
10) Everything you encounter is an aspect of karate: find the marvellous truth there.
11)Karate is like boiling water,if you do not keep the flame high, it turns tepid.
12) Do not think about winning:think about not losing
13) Respond in accordance to your opponent.
14) Wage the battle with natural strategy.
15) Regard your hands and feet as sharp swords.
16) Step out the door and face 10,000 foes.
17) Learn various stances as a beginner, but then rely on a natural posture.
18) The kata must always be practised correctly: real combat is another matter.
19) Never forget your own strenghts and weaknesses, the limitations of your body, and the relative quality of your techniques.
20) Continually polish your mind.

Gichin Funakoshi
Karate-Do is a nobal martial art, and you can rest assured that those who take pride in smashing tiles and breaking boards, or who boast of being able too preform outlandish feats like stripping flesh or plucking out ribs, really know nothing about karate. They are playing around in the leaves and branches of a great tree, without the slightest concept of the trunk

Gichin Funakoshi