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Shotokan Karate

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This site is dedicated to Shotokan Karate.

Gichin Funakoshi

Gichin Funikoshi is world famous as one of Karate's great masters. Born in Suri, Okinawa Prefecture, in 1868, he studied Karate-do from childhood and organised the first public demonstrations.
He was chosen to demonstrate Karate at the First National Athletic Exhibition in Tokyo in 1922, which led to the introduction of the ancient martial art to the rest of Japan and subsequently the rest of the world.

Although Funakoshi Sensei was noted for introducing Karate-do to Japan and the rest of the western world in 1922, Sensei had already done numerous demonstrations in and around Okinawa. In 1901/1902 a Karate demo was arranged at his school for Shintaro Ogawa, then commissioner of schools for Kagashina Prefecture. Apparently he was very impresed at what he saw. Ogawa reported back to the Ministy of Education. Subsequently Karate became part of the curriculum of the Prefectual Daiichi Middle School. (which is thought to be the school Funakoshi tought in). After a very shot period it was included in the syllabus of the physical education of schools for all ages.
This was the time that Funakoshi Sensei began to teach Karate-do formally, haven been given permission from his two instuctors, Masters Azato and Itosu

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Shotokan Tiger

There are two stories that explain how the shotokan symbol came to be used.

1. Funakoshi was asked to write the 1st book about karate. The man who asked him was an artist called Hoan Kosugi. It was decided if the book was written Kosugi would design the cover. In Japanese, "tora no maki" is an official document of an art. Funakoshi's book would be "tora no maki" of karate. "tora also means tiger, so the shotokan tiger was born.

2. It was said that when Funakoshi wanted to be alone he would walk up Mt. Torao. "Torao" means tigers tail. So he thought of the stength and power of the tiger and the pease of mind that Funakoshi attained while walking the mountain paths.

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